7 Ways on How to Deal with Hard to Get Girl

How to Deal with Hard to Get Girl

When she plays hard to get, you can get the girl with these 7 tactics.

1. Be persistent, but not annoying

Here are a few examples of each:

  • Persistent – Is calling or texting once or twice a day.
  • Annoying – calling or texting repeatedly in an hour
  • Persistent – showing up where she knows she goes in hopes of seeing her
  • Annoying – showing up everywhere she goes to make sure she sees you

2. Get off the social media

As soon as you can, get out of the chat rooms and into real life. The longer you wait the more distant she will be.

  • Go for email first
  • Phone second
  • Meeting third

3. Call

Call…as soon as you get that phone number…call. Leave a clear message and say when you will call again to make a date to go out.

4. Call again

Don’t – and this is a popular wrong-minded piece of advice flying around right now – don’t wait three days to call. If you had a great time call when you get home or before noon the next day. Leave a message saying you had a great time and would like to do it better. If you wait the “three days” that so many sites recommend, she is going to put up walls and not be hard to get – she will be downright impossible to get near.

See also  7 Tips for First Phone Call to a Girl

5. Have an offer of where to go and what time

A lot of men think a woman is playing hard to get when the woman is waiting for the man to come up with some kind of plan for a date. They want to see that you can take care of details that show you are interested in her. She may not be playing hard to get, she may be waiting to see if you can find your way out of your own paper bag. Before you ask her out or offer to meet up –

  • Have an offer and not a plan
  • Ask her what she would rather do
  • Offer to plan half the evening but she plans the other half

The plan doesn’t have to be a “big thing,” but if you see let’s get coffee then know of three different places and know what makes each of them unique so you can offer her a reason to pick one. Let her know you’re interested through body language

6. Use the language of attraction

Too many men talk in terms of “taking” or “having.” A woman knows that you don’t have her yet and so she is going to make sure you know it. You can start to change this dynamic and draw her in by changing your language to that of attraction. Be more inclusive of her, make her feel wanted and seek her out – you will be surprised at how fast she suddenly appears.

  • Talk more “you” than “I”
  • Listen and ask questions
  • Write things down about what she says she is going to do or has planned so you remember to ask about them later (it’s a small cheat but it wins big points)
See also  7 Reasons Women Like To Go For Jerks On Online Dating Sites

7. The Secret to Getting the Girl

The real secret is to not be a doormat and don’t be a jerk. Women like men who are strong enough to take care of themselves, but that recognize the woman’s value and desire them in their life. They want to feel wanted and appreciated – valued. Don’t pull out that “I’ll treat you like a Goddess line” or go Neanderthal – many times if a woman is playing hard to get it’s because she really doesn’t want to waste time on someone who really isn’t interested in her. If you aren’t interested in her – don’t chase, go find someone who really set you on fire.

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